by | Dec 20, 2019 | American Equities, currencies, Politics
Exactly a year ago to the day, we published our article titled # 1 THE END OF AMERICA, where we developed the first of our four mega-trends, the end of the era of dominance of America.After two weeks of intense immersion at HARVARD KENNEDY SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT, the...
by | Aug 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
The cadence of the U.S.-China trade war has become all too familiar, with periods of amicable albeit tense negotiation punctuated by Donald Trump’s sudden escalation of tariffs followed by Beijing confirming that it will stay pat. That latest salvo played out with...
by | Mar 7, 2019 | macroeconomics
All along 2018, we argued that the Trade war launched by Donald Trump on China would take a severe toll on global growth and that the ultimate loser would end-up being America and American corporations. In several posts Trade wars are the wars of the...
by | Feb 22, 2019 | Asian Equities, China, Politics
There was a time when America and Russia, the world’s two great superpowers, were obsessed with nuclear weapons technology. Today the flashpoint is between the US and China, and it involves the wireless technology that promises to connect your toaster to the web. The...
by | Dec 20, 2018 | macroeconomics, Politics
THE FOUR MEGA TRENDS The world seems chaotic and unpredictable. It is a time of changes and the world we are living in is going through major structural changes. We call them MEGA TRENDS Understanding those mega-trends is paramount to proper...
by | Oct 20, 2018 | Asset Allocation, Equities, macroeconomics, Yuan
Over the past few years, and particularly since the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America in November 2016, China-bashing has become a generalized phenomenon in the US. From the ill-timed and ill-conceived US trade war launched in...
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