by | Mar 3, 2020 | China, EFG GLOBAL YUAN PORTFOLIO, Yuan
The EFG GLOBAL YUAN PORTFOLIO Index Certificate is a Swiss Security issued by EFG under ISIN CH0446940410 and traded in US Dollar with a daily liquidity. Its purpose is to enable investors to build their exposure the the Chinese Yuan through a single security managed...
by | Feb 7, 2020 | Asian Equities, China, EFG GLOBAL YUAN PORTFOLIO, Investment Ideas, Yuan
Despite the sharp fall in Chinese assets at the end of January 2020 because of the Wuhan coronavirus, the EFG GLOBAL YUAN PORTFOLIO Index Certificate that we advise delivered a positive performance over the month and now stands at +23.23 % performance net of all fees...
by | Jan 30, 2020 | China, Equities, Yuan
The financial markets have finally taken the measure of the economic impact of the Wuhan coronavirus and its potential to disrupt China and the world economy. As we always argued, any external event in the current speculative environment had the potential to send...
by | Jan 7, 2020 | Asian Equities, currencies, EFG GLOBAL YUAN PORTFOLIO, Yuan
ISIN CH0446940410 The EFG GLOBAL YUAN PORTFOLIO Index certificate that we advise was created in February 2019 to help clients build their exposure to the Chinese Yuan through a highly diversified portfolio of quality Chinese money-market, bonds, and equity...
by | Oct 5, 2019 | EFG GLOBAL YUAN PORTFOLIO, Yuan
The EFG GLOBAL YUAN PORTFOLIO Index Certificate that we advise is up +9.86 % in Yuan since inception in March. ISIN CH0446940410 Download the Monthly Factsheet EFG-GLOBAL-YUAN-PORTFOLIO-Factsheet-SEP-2019Download
by | May 21, 2019 | Asian Equities, China, currencies, Equities, World equities, Yuan
Donald Trump’s aggressive stance on the Trade War and against Hua Wei shows that the issue is far more profound than a simple bargaining issue and that America is truly scared of China. However, the methods used are not going to succeed and China has taken the full...
by | Mar 31, 2019 | Bonds Monitor, China, Commodity Monitor, Currency Monitor, Equity Monitor, global equities, oil, Yuan
The Week in Review 31st March 2019 In this issue : # Liquidity Triggers a Bond Binge and Lifts All Asset Classes # Chinese Equities Lead the Global Equity Rally # US Economy Slows more than anticipated # Oil Caps a Strong Quarter but a Stealth Danger lies ahead ...
by | Feb 7, 2019 | Asset Allocation, China, currencies, macroeconomics, Yuan
Chandler Investment Consultancies FZE is proud to announce the launch of the EFG GLOBAL YUAN PORTFOLIOIndex Certificate A perfect instrument to build your portfolio exposure to the Chinese currency through a highly diversified, actively managed, balanced...
by | Oct 20, 2018 | Asset Allocation, Equities, macroeconomics, Yuan
Over the past few years, and particularly since the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America in November 2016, China-bashing has become a generalized phenomenon in the US. From the ill-timed and ill-conceived US trade war launched in...
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